HOLY MOLY you guys. I can still hardly believe it. We are officially under contract for a NEW HOME!!!
It was super sudden and I feel like everything is happening so fast. We put in an offer on a house that we fell in love with on Sunday night and as of Tuesday night we were under contract!
I took the next day off from work to do a deep clean on our current house to get it ready to be listed on the market. As I sit here and type this every bone and muscle in my body aches, I am covered in about five different cleaning products and my messy ponytail looks like I just went through hurricane winds!
So what does this mean for the One Room Challenge?
As you know I have spent the last few weeks working on Lucas’ big boy room for this season of the One Room Challenge. In case you missed any of the updates you can catch them all here:
One Room Challenge (1): Woodland Big Boy Room Plans
One Room Challenge (Week 2): A VERY Slow Start
One Room Challenge (Week 3): Moving Right Along
So it’s all pretty tentative on how long we will actually be in our house. It all depends on how quickly we sell, but I have a feeling that we will most likely still be here for reveal day so I’ve decided to keep chugging along!
All of the things that I have on the list are things that I’m making and won’t be permanently attached, so we will just bring them with us to the new home.
I have a feeling that our lives are about to get pretty chaotic and I feel bad putting a hold on his room because he’s been so excited to see it all coming together. So his room makeover will go on as planned even if it all comes down and gets moved in a couple of week!
But let’s back up to before this whirlwind all happened!
I finished up his new dresser and we got it in his room on Saturday. I shared the tutorial for it on Monday.
It fits so many more clothes and I love that they aren’t all sardined in like they were before in the baby dresser. It’s quite pretty too which is a major bonus!
I’m still playing around with how I have the top styled and haven’t been totally happy with anything that I’ve done so far. I think it will look better once his gallery wall is up above it though.
Oh the lamp is also done! I ordered this lantern style one from Target and then recovered the lampshade with this cute woodland animal fabric.
On Monday night we anchored the posts for his bed tent canopy.
It was funny because I said to Anthony as he was doing this, “wouldn’t it be funny if our offer on this new house is accepted and we have to tear it down and patch up the holes right after we get it all put up?”
Yep true story.
I am still working on sewing the details on tent and need to shorten it, but I put it up so that we didn’t have funny poles just sticking out of the wall in our listing photos.
You can get a glimpse of it in this photo of my Lukie Pookie playing with his suitcase. He and Tristan both think we are moving like…tomorrow haha! So he pulled it out and started packing!
Oh and earlier I shared how I turned this thrifted Christmas tree dish…
into a cute little woodland themed wall décor piece!
You can catch the tutorial that I shared for the Thrift Store Challenge here.
Okay I’m off to take a much needed shower and to get some zzzz’s. Be sure to check out how everyone else is doing on their room for the here!
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