Hello and welcome to the last update in the One Room Challenge before the big reveal!
I know I sound like a broken record but I swear this last week always seems to creep up on me super fast.
If you missed any of the updates along the way you can catch them all here:
One Room Challenge (1): Woodland Big Boy Room Plans
One Room Challenge (Week 2): A VERY Slow Start
One Room Challenge (Week 3): Moving Right Along
One Room Challenge (Week 4): Big News!
I dropped a huge bomb last week which was the fact that we are actually in the process of buying a new home and yesterday I talked a little bit more about that.
I decided to finish Lucas’ big boy room since it was almost done and all that is really left is hanging up art. I figured that if I’m going to be filling and painting nail holes when we move anyways, I might as well see his room all finished up even if we only get to enjoy it for a couple of weeks. Makes perfect sense to me…the hubby not so much!
Anyways the end of last week and the weekend was one hundred percent dedicated to getting the house on the market so I didn’t get anything done in his room.
However by Monday I finally got around to working on the bed tent canopy. In fact I actually thought I finished it until I hung it up and noticed that I made a slight error while shortening it…
Yeh whoops! As a reminder this was my inspiration photo…
But it just so happened that it was a happy accident because I was able to fix it by piecing it together with another piece of fabric that I actually think makes it look pretty cool!
I also got Lucas’ name on the wall. I had the hubby drill a hole in each letter and I fed some twine through each one before hanging them up by the nail hole that came in each one.
Then I tied some twine around a branch and hung it by nails above the letters.
Finally I tied the twine to the branch to give the illusion of them hanging without giving myself a headache trying to get them perfect. I can’t wait to show you guys next week how awesome it looks!
I also started hanging the gallery wall up.
Just a few more DIYs, an Etsy order and some slight adjusting and I should be all done with it.
Sorry about the brutal night lighting in today’s pictures. I promise I’ll have prettier ones next week!
Be sure to catch the other guest participants’ progress here.

Angela, everything is coming along so nicely! I love the canopy over the bed and you never know if your future buyers may want you to keep it there for their children (no patching holes). 😉 Congratulations on finding a new home! I hope the buying process goes smoothly for you. 🙂
It's very interesting. With the roof on the bed Suitable for children at home who are naughty. I like to have at home every bedroom. Genting Club Download