Hello and happy Tuesday! Are you all as ready for the 4th as I am? We are in much need of a fun holiday weekend after the troubles that we’ve had this past month. I can’t wait to relax at the reservoir swim beach, enjoy some yummy barbecue food and watch the city fireworks show from my parents driveway!
Since moving in to our new home it seems like it’s been one challenge after another. But the real show stopper happened last weekend when the washing machine broke and flooded our main floor bathroom and basement.
Yep. It was awwwwesome.
We brought our washer and dryer from the old house but hadn’t set them up yet since we were preoccupied with other issues. So I was using the existing ones for the time being and it was smooth sailing until last Sunday. I started a load, went upstairs to start unpacking a few boxes and when I came back downstairs with arms full of Goodwill donations I stepped in about 2 inches of water.
Luckily the water stopped about where the towel is in the picture below.
We rapidly soaked up what we could with the shop vac and some towels and then headed down to the basement since we saw that the water was draining into the floor register. We were immediately greeted with the site of our beautiful TV that we had rested against the wall getting rained on from the ceiling.
It was an uttter nightmare you guys!
Last week we had a restoration company come out and they ripped the flooring and vanity out before setting up a bunch of fans to start drying everything out.
It sounded like the inside of an airplane inside our house! And they blow warm air. Very warm air. It’s been around 100 degrees outside everyday and we have no AC so it’s safe to say that we weren’t too thrilled about these babies blowing warm air everywhere. It was miserable.
They finally came back and took them out yesterday and although they did a good job we were sooooo happy to see them go!
The washer and dryer were moved to the living room and I’m not sure how long they will have to stay there until we can get rid of them since the insurance company needs to have a plumber inspect the washer for the claim.
But we are trying to look at the silver lining here because we had planned on eventually gutting this space out anyways for a makeover. We would have preferred to wait until our lives were somewhat back to normal, but who are we kidding we just bought a fixer upper–that won’t be anytime soon!
So this room makeover got pushed up on the priority list. I’ve put together a few ideas on a mood board to give me inspiration for how I would like this space to look.
The tile is still out for debate. I’ve been trying to convince Anthony how dreamy a high contrast vintage pattern would look.
He thinks that wood look tile would look best, but I feel like next to the Pergo that we plan on doing throughout the main level it would clash.
We’re also torn on whether or not to do shiplap on all of the walls or if we should just do the large wall at the back as a feature wall. I was leaning towards just a feature wal, but when I saw how gorgeous it looked all the way around in this bathroom I started to sway because it looks absolutely stunning!
I also really like the way the pedestal sink looks in here. We have a tight spot and I’ve been having a hard time finding a 24″ vanity that I like so I may opt for a pedestal since it would make the space feel less cramped.
So many decisions! We are currently waiting to hear back from our insurance company on the next steps before we can start putting floors down but I hope it’s soon because our laundry is already to pile high and I really miss having a washer and dryer!
Okay my friends that’s all I have for today. I hope you all have an amazing 4th of July and I’ll catch up with you guys next week!
Linking up to these awesome parties!
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