Hello everyone! I hope you all had a nice Easter. We got hit with freezing temps and snow but it didn’t stop the Easter Bunny from making his visit!

It was crazy, especially because on Saturday it was a beautiful 70 degrees! Typical springtime time in Colorado!
Luckily I was able to take advantage of the nice weather before the snow rolled in to finish spraying the shelves for the built-ins.

When I primed them last week I stacked them in the garage too soon after they dried, so after painting them I made sure to prop them up for the rest of the day to fully dry.

On Sunday after the egg hunt I headed up to the playroom and finished the last coat of paint and put the shelves back up.

It was SUCH an exciting moment seeing the shelves back in place! Even the boys were shocked to walk in and see how different it made the space look.

And is that not the coolest schoolhouse lamp you’ve ever seen?! After two years of living here Anthony pointed out to me that the bottom outlet is connected to the switch in here so the boys and I are really thrilled at the fact that we can easily turn on the lamp when we come in here now haha!

I spent the rest of the snowy afternoon sorting through the toys that I was temporarily keeping in our bedroom. It was overwhelming to see how many things we’ve accumulated that they no longer play with.

I was able to purge a ton of things and what was left went back up on the shelves.

As a reminder this is how the built-ins looked during week 1. I love having the bins more spread out!

The galvanized marquee letters fit perfectly on the top shelf but I am kind of stuck on what to put on the other side. I have a few ideas brewing so hopefully I’ll have an update for you guys by next week.

Oh and in case you didn’t notice, the floors are complete!

This week we are starting on the board and batten which I’m pretty stoked about. I also want to try to start painting the table and chairs but I may be getting a little too ambitious and that may actually get done during week 4 haha.
Thanks for swinging by today, I’ll be back next week with some more exciting progress 🙂
I am participating in the spring 2020 One Room Challenge! You can catch all of the progress on other fun room makeovers here!

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Linking up to these awesome parties!