Hey there friends, happy Friday! It has been a crazy week over here and we are one hundred and ten percent ready for the weekend. I’m hoping that I can finish up the exciting project that I’ve been working on to share with you all next week, so until then I thought I would use this week to share my new Target finds for spring.
A couple of weeks ago I stopped by the decor section while grocery shopping at Target and I found a few items that would be perfect for spring. I didn’t buy them that day because a good rule that I tend to go by when it comes to buying new decor pieces is that if I remember it several days later, it’s a sign that it’s something I will truly love for a long time. That was certainly the case with these three things, so I hopped online and ordered them later in the week.
First up is this artificial wildflower arrangement. Although I usually stick to neutral colors, something about the soft green ceramic vase drew me in. This looks pretty stacked on some books inside of a tray like I have it, but it would also look nice sitting on a table by itself.

The white flowers are gorgeous and look very realistic. I also like how perfectly they seem to fall; I can never get my stems to fall quite that pretty so I love that these ones are already set up!

Next is this cute little Faux Gypsophila Leaf Arrangement which comes in both a small and medium size. It works well sitting all by its lonesome, but would also be really cute paired next to a candle or sitting on a shelf.

I chose to get the small size and absolutely adore it. This also looks very realistic, and the stems branch out beautifully. The textured ceramic vase is icing on the cake and makes this one of my favorite faux plants that I own.

And finally, I got this brass metal watering can. Even though it looks nice simply as a decor piece, it is fully functional and can be used for watering.

I’m really enjoying adding bits of gold and brass here and there lately and this accents our kitchen shelving so wonderfully. I love the shape of it so much!

Even though we most likely have quite a few weeks of winter left here in Colorado, these fun new finds have really helped me look forward to my favorite season!
Have a wonderful weekend everyone 🙂
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