Hello everyone! I know the posts are getting far and few between these days. I’ll keep posting just to keep things somewhat alive over here even if I’m only able to make it happen every now and then!
To be honest life has been quite chaotic lately and it’s been hard to find the time to sit down and write up posts, even though when I finally do get the time I remember how much I enjoy it!
But without further ado, let’s dive in to a fun flip that I did last fall!
Supplies Used:(Affiliate links may be provided for convenience. For more info, see my full disclosure here.)
When I saw this console table listed for free on Marketplace one day I immediately fell in love with it!

When Anthony got it home I realized that it was extremely wobbly. It worried me at first, but luckily it just needed to have all of the screws tightened up and that instantly fixed it!

After cleaning it, I started to sand it back to see what kind of wood we were dealing with. It was such a relief to find some gorgeous grain!

It was a veneer so I had to be extremely careful to not burn through. Once I sanded down the top and the edges of the shelves. I scuff sanded the rest. I taped the bare wood off and applied a coat of primer.

I followed that with a couple coats of paint, stained the wood then sealed it all up!

This piece was already so unique and different and it just needed a little bit of love!

Have a great rest of your week my friends!