Hello friends! I know it’s been quiet the last couple of weeks on here. The week prior to the One Room Challenge reveal I started having some sharp pelvic pains. I tried to brush it off for the first week but by the second I finally went to urgent care. They didn’t find anything and sent me home, but then I started suffering from fevers so I went back and the repeat CT suggested pneumonia. It didn’t make a lot of sense since I haven’t been sick or coughing, but I took the course of antibiotics. I’m doing better, but still having occasional pelvic pains so to be honest I don’t fully know what is really going on with me! Wish me luck that it all resolves soon!
Anyways—I am trying to get back to more of a normal routine, so today I’m picking back up to share a fun flip that I completed a few months ago!
Supplies Used:(Affiliate links may be provided for convenience. For more info, see my full disclosure here.)
I found these nightstands listed on Marketplace and when I got them home, I realized that they were actually made out of desk since I could see where the sides had been cut and could tell that the tops had been added on.

I gave them a good cleaning with some Simple Green to remove all of the dirt and grime that had accumulated on them. Next, I sanded down the drawer fronts.

Once the drawers were done, I scuff sanded the bodies to prep them for paint.

I applied a coat of clear shellac primer to each of them, followed by three coats of a neutral colored paint that I mixed up.

In between coats, I worked on staining the drawers. I decided to go for an ombré look, so I applied three coats to the bottom drawers, one coat to the middle drawers and then simply paint washed the top ones.

I absolutely love how the ombré effect turned out!

I thought that the gold hardware complimented the wood tones nicely.

I hope you have a great rest of the week!