- V-groove planks (If you don’t have a Lowes near you they can also be purchased on Amazon here
- Measuring Tape
- Level
- Pencil
- Stud Finder
- Finishing nails
- Hammer
- Jig Saw
- Minwax Wood Filler
- Paint roller
- Paint brush
- Satin paint
- White Caulk
I used a level to make sure that the first plank was straight. I don’t have a nail gun so I just used finishing nails and a hammer to attach the planks to the studs. I then used a large screw to tap the nail heads in so that I could cover them up with wood putty.
Working behind the toilet actually wasn’t as tricky as I had anticipated. I just slid them down from the top and when I got to the wall connection I just cut two smaller pieces so that there was one on either side of it. I could have done circular cuts with a jigsaw but who really looks back there anyways, right?
Once all of my nail holes were filled and sanded it was priming time! I started by using a brush over each seam, then used a small foam roller over the entire thing.
I’m definitely loving the farmhouse feel that it adds to the bathroom and it’s amazing how much brighter it is now!
Linking up to these awesome parties!
Hi! I totally want to do this in my bathroom–you make it seem so do-able π
One question: how wide are the planks you used?
Thank you so much Wimla! I used the packaged planks by Evertrue sold at Lowes I believe they are about 3.5" π
Do you have any problems with the shiplap warping? I also have a small bathroom not alot of circulation, and I have an area above my shower (because it doesn't go to the top of the ceiling) that needs done.
No it's been more than 6 months and no issues so far! If it is going near the shower I would just use a semi gloss paint to protect it a little better. You could even look into putting something on the wood prior to protect it π
Oh Jisus! Your bathroom is just too good. It's better you have shiplap, not just it will give a better look but also will protect the wall from damage. Few people thought it as a wastage of money but once you have it you can feel the difference. Thanks for sharing the photos. There are lots you need to do to make your bathroom good so that you can spend some peaceful time in that. Everything should be well managed. We had made the complete renovation of our bathroom last month with guidance of bathroom renovation San Marcos, CA. It was on budget and our bathroom is the coolest.
It looks so beautiful and clean. Is the shiplap easy to clean behind the toilet? I have 2 boys too (much older than yours) and their aim is not always the best… :0 so I want to make sure that it is super easy to clean.
Thank you! Yes I would think you could easily attach your cleaning rag to a pole or mop and reach back there π
I am a regular reader of your blog. As a profession I am a roofer but this post attracts me. This is really a great idea. I'll definitely try to make this at my home.
I love this look. Also where did you get the shower curtain? I love it.
Thank you very much! I got it at Target π
Before constructing a house, we should first choose the best flooring and home decor option. So that we can easily attract people and their attention towards our home. Home decor includes home interior decoration such as; living room decoration, kitchen and bathroom decoration, and many others. Here in this article also, we can get some quick review on bathroom decoration and flooring, I would like to follow the instructions present here regarding home decorations.
Vinyl Windows Thousand Oaks
Great tips I too wanted to renovate my washroom this post really helped a lot. Thanks for sharing such an amazing information.
dmv construction π
I really liked the design of the bathroom that you showed, the combination of colors looks very laconic in the room.
I want to notice that your cleaning has benefited this room, because now it looks simply flawless and incredibly stylish.
Did you go all the way around the bathroom with the shiplap or just behind the toilet and around the sink?
I did go all the way around!
how high up do you go with the shiplap
I went high enough so that the top board would go above the light switch–so 48" π
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Keep Posting:)
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