Hello friends! Life’s been crazy but I wanted to pop in really quick and share some pictures of baby Lucas.
As you may remember I was scheduled for a cesarean on December 29th due to the fact that Lucas was in breech position. That morning we anxiously waited in the hospital room excited to meet our little guy. But it turns out that Lucas had other plans. They came in 30 minutes before the surgery to do one more ultrasound to check position and wouldn’t you know it, the little trickster had decided to flip to head down position! So our cesarean was cancelled and we headed home to wait for him to make his appearance on his own.
We waited. And waited some more. And finally he arrived on his due date, January 5th at 12:26 P.M. at 7 pounds 15 ounces and 21 inches long. These pictures were taken by Charlie’s Angels, the hospital’s amazing in room photography company.
He is absolutely beautiful!!!! So wonderful that you're both doing well!!!! Happy for you and your new little one!!!
Congratulations!! He's gorgeous!! I hope you get some good rest. π
Congrats! He's so adorable!!!