Hello and happy December everyone! I hope you all had a nice Thanksgiving last week. Unfortunately I was down for the count with a terrible vestibular migraine that lasted for a few days. I spent this week getting all of our Christmas decor up, so I now feel like I am all caught up and we can finally start enjoying the holiday season.
Today’s makeover makes the books for one of my favorite designs that I’ve ever done, but it also makes the books for having one of the worst amounts of prep work!
Supplies Used:(Affiliate links may be provided for convenience. For more info, see my full disclosure here.)
- Citristrip
- Sander
- Bondo
- Primer
- Paint
- Polyacrylic
- Stain
- Paint Sprayer
- Knobs
- Drawer Paper
When I landed on this cute little dresser I was so excited to give it a fun boho inspired look.

However, when we got it home I realized that not only was the paint job really awful, but there was also a total of three paint coats and they all needed to be completely stripped if I wanted a smooth even finish.

I began by applying some Citristrip, and when I started scraping, I quickly realized that this was going to be no easy task. Luckily Anthony was home that day, so between the two of us we slaved away for hours getting the old disgusting layers of paint removed.

It was such a mess!

We finally got the body done, and then we cut down the sides so that we could have a nice flush bottom to add a custom base to later on.

Later in the afternoon I tackled the drawers.

By evening it was finally stripped, and I began taping off my design. I was going for an arch, but when I stood back, I realized that it looked funny.

So I ripped all of the tape off and started fresh, this time making the sides of the arch closer to the drawer edges.

I taped off the arch and applied a coat of primer before calling it a night.

The next day I applied the paint to the body and then removed the tape so that I could apply a paint wash to the arch.
I built a custom base and decided to stain it a little darker for contrast.

I sealed it all up with poly, added some cute knobs and paper.

I absolutely love how this one turned out!

All that hard prep work paid off in the end and she was very quick to find a new home.

I hope you guys have a fantastic weekend!

This is so cute! I love it!